Friday, February 6, 2009

Day 12

End of the second work week without porn, and it feels good. As I go through the various websites that I frequent, I continue to find the occasional skimpy link, which offers a slight bit of temptation, but I have not given in. I know that even the slightest kink in my plan will eventually lead to failure. I feel good right now. I feel focused. Things are going good in life. Just finished my taxes, and we're getting a pretty nice return. God has definitely been blessing our family despite current economic situations. The least I can do in return is honor him and my wife by trying my best to remain as pure as possible. I hope that if you're reading this, and you're in the same boat, things are going good for you too. This weekend looks to be a tame one, but I need to make sure to enjoy it. The daily grind can become insanely life-draining if you don't learn to take a good break every now and again. Perhaps my wife and I will go out and do something fun. It'll be nice to get out of the house. I'll try to write again this weekend, but if not, I will definitely be back here on Monday.

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