Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Day 10

Things have been going good. Work seems to be keeping me busier than usual, which is always a good thing. I've made it to my first double-digit day! A small landmark in the right direction. Although I haven't had any major urges, I have been having a slight problem. For whatever reason, a couple of times a month I wake up and am extremely horny. I think it has to do with the dreams I had the previous night, most of which I can't remember anyway. My wife is usually off to work, which eliminates the option to have gratification in a legitimate way. In the past, when I have woken up in this situation, I simply went to the computer first thing out of bed and looked at porn to get it out of my system. It has been a little tough to resist falling back into old habits, especially that one. By refusing to give in, I think I'm chopping away at this one side of my porn addiction. If I can find more of these old habits that led to nothing fruitful, and eliminate those as well, I don't think it will be long before I reach my goal of 100 days.

1 comment:

Guy Incognito said...

Thanks for comment mate, you're right i need to gradually ween myself off porn, and fingers crossed in a few months i'll be a mentally stronger person. Good luck to you too!