Friday, February 13, 2009

Side Note: Tools Against Porn

I've been thinking about some stuff, and I think there are certain little tools out there that we can use in our struggle to drop porn. One thing that used to happen in the past for me was that every once in a while I would come across an advertisement that was sexually suggestive. When my brother got caught surfing for porn on the family computer, I think he even used the excuse that "it was a pop up." Around the time Myspace started getting big, these ads for a website called "True," an online dating service, starting popping up, and 99% of them had voluptuous women in suggestive poses. Back in the day this didn't make things any easier on yours truly who was severely struggling with porn. Anyways, there exists a simple tool to get rid of ads forever: Adblock Plus. If you have firefox (which you should; it is vastly superior to Internet Explorer), it's a simple add-on you can install, and once up and running will stop all ads on all sites from loading. Not only does this make pages load faster and more pleaseant to view, but it eliminates those few ads that do give us bad ideas. Since using it I've almost forgotten about internet ads altogether. If I come across any other tools that can help in this way, you can be sure that I will post them here.

1 comment:

Fighting said...

Another tool if you want a pornography filter with lots of options, and its free,


K9 Web Protection

Its free, effective, works great.

What I did is had a good friend (that knows my problem) install it, and he did the password stuff, so I can't physically look at porn on my computer, but that doesn't prevent other sources, cell phone etc, but it does help a lot.

Another option is something called - OpenDNS - I read about this in PC Magazine, not only does it speed up internet a bit- but it also has filters built into it- its easy to 'deactivate' though unless you program it into your router.

Good luck, stay strong, I'm reading your blog!